Posted by : H. Coel May 26, 2014

Log horizon, this anime story about players are trapped in game online Elder Tale. The main character Shiroe and all of the players are trapped in Elder Tale and can't be log out after apocalypse (the players called). After apocalypse all of the adventurers having difficult period to living in Elder Tale because need a money for living. The crimes in Elder Tale are uncontrollable after apocalypse. Akihibara is the one of the many places are uncontrollable after apocalypse. But Shiroe changing that all in Akihibara with the Burger there is a sense. Then Akihibara is the good place for adventurer and indigeneous (the humans who unable to live again after death and not game players). All people and guild are unite in Akihibara. With conflicts, this anime story is great and make the audience carried away. And what the meaning of Log Horizon? Log Horizon is the name of Guild and lead by Shiroe.

Shiroe is the one of members Debauchery Tea Party (The greatest guild in Elder but actually DTP is just party and not guild). Shiroe is the strategist in DTP. After the apocalypse DTP just leaves some players. Then Shiroe make a guild name Log Horizon. Log Horizon have eight members. The Log Horizon members is Shiroe, Akatsuki, Naotsugu, Rundelhaus, Nyanta, Isuzu, Tohya, and Minori. My opinion Shiroe is The villain of Glasses. Naotsugu is open pervert. Akatsuki is Shiroe partner. Nyanta is the master chef. All of this person are the members of Log Horizon. Sometimes its funny when Akatsuki hitting Naotsugu when Naotsugu is going to pervert.

News : Season Two will be release Fall 2014.

Bonus, I give you this picture for the reader.

"This anime made me courious about the next episode" by Abdul Hakim.

About the next post, maybe I will tell you about  Ano hi Mita Hana. The Saddest Anime I ever watched.

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